Transcultural remembrance: Educational science perspectives on the Auschwitz Museum

In December 2024, Bachelor students in educational science took part in an excursion to Poland organized by Sandra Binnert from the Faculty of Educational Sciences. The group was accompanied by Prof. Wolfgang Meseth, Susanne Thimm, Julia Kaufmann and Jonas Riepenhausen. To give the students a deeper understanding of the history of Auschwitz, Dr. Andreas Kahrs (a founder and director of the consultancy “what matters”) joined them on site.

The excursion to Oświęcim and Krakow aims to help students gain insights into the importance of a culture of remembrance from a transnational point of view and pave the way for a deeper reflection on the Holocaust and its relevance for the present.

Ahead of the excursion and with a view towards further discussion on site, preparatory courses explored the educational challenges of memorial work as well as educational science perspectives on a culture of remembrance. A visit to the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and the International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust illustrates the close ties between a culture of remembrance and historical and political education.

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