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Diskursräume gestalten | ​“Pride and Prejudice – Teaching in a multi-identity environment“ – Workshop with Nilly Venezia

Mittwoch, 6. November 2024, 14:00 bis 18:00

Teachers in academic institutions meet every day with students who represent the wide variety of multiple identities. Some are more familiar to us and some less so. With some we feel more comfortable and with some less.

Getting to know other identities that represent different cultures, perceptions, sexual/gender orientation, variety of lifestyle and so on, is necessary and important. However, it is not sufficient. A multicultural encounter is a dynamic meeting of emotional and cognitive events that take place in several intersubjectively integrated axes. It is an emotional and social fabric of closeness and distance, identification/alienation, shame/pride, rejection/acceptance, anxiety/courage, dependence/independence and more.

Therefore, working in an environment of multiple identities requires the creation of a personal awareness of how our emotional mechanisms, those that are expressed in the encounter with „the other“, may influence and shape the professional functioning. That is, the thinking, the feelings and the professional behavior towards everything different in the daily interaction in the classroom.

Through experiential sessions, we will explore the way our personal and cultural life environments may shape our personal and professional functioning.

Nilly Venezia is the author of the book “The Mirror’s Maze – on Multicultural education in Israel“ (Pardes, 2007), an International Campus Fellow at the Department of Anthropology at Goethe University, and a part-time lecturer at the Ono Academic College with four decades of teaching experience in a variety of settings and internationally.

Organisation und Ansprechperson: Prof Dr. Catherine Whittaker,

Datum und Uhrzeit: 06.11.2024, 14:00 – 18:00 Uhr

Ort: Campus Westend, IG-Farben-Nebengebäude, NG 701

Anmerkungen: Der Workshop ist auf max. 20 Personen begrenzt. Bitte um Anmeldung bei Julia Remy per E-Mail an


Campus Westend / IG-Farben-Nebengebäude
Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1
Frankfurt am Main, Hessen 60323 Deutschland
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