Tracking climate change: research flights over the Arctic

The Arctic is one of the regions most affected by climate change; temperatures in this region have risen by about four times the global average in recent decades. The ASCCI measurement campaign coordinated by Goethe University Frankfurt and Karlsruhe Institute

Autorin Anne Cathrine Bomann (l.) und ihre Übersetzerin Franziska Hüther.

The familiar Danes

As part of a tandem project, Danish students of German language and literature came to Frankfurt to visit their German peers studying Danish language and literature. The intercultural exchange also

Das Team des mRNA-Innovationsprojekts: Das Forscher-Team um Prof. Klaus Strebhardt (rechts) nimmt den zweiten Platz des Goethe-Innovationspreises 2024 für sein bahnbrechendes Projekt gegen Eierstockkrebs entgegen. Die Auszeichnung unterstreicht das enorme Potenzial dieser innovativen Therapie, die nun mit Unterstützung des CARMA FUNDS weiter entwickelt wird. V.l.n.r.: Dr. Monika Raab, Prof. Sven Becker, Dr. Mourad Sanhaji, Prof. Klaus Strebhardt.

CARMA fund invests in mRNA treatment for ovarian cancer

Goethe University Frankfurt has lauched a pioneering collaborative project to develop mRNA for treating ovarian cancer. The promising initiative established by Prof. Klaus Strebhardt, director of the Department of Molecular

Blick in die Rauminstallation zu Clemens Setz, 2023.


The University Library’s Schopenhauer Studio: An exhibition space open to the university Did you know the University Library’s large building on Bockenheim Campus houses a hidden studio? On entering the

Noel B. Berhane vor dem RuW.

How about an internship in France?

Noel B. Berhane, a law student at Goethe University Frankfurt, travels Hesse as a junior ambassador for the Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO). The title “junior ambassador” has an official ring

Prof. Yonson Ahn und ihr Team. (Foto: Jürgen Lecher / Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)

Rare discipline, globally networked

Goethe University’s only professor of Korean Studies receives an extraordinary award Ten years ago, Yonson Ahn took up the professorship for Korean Culture and Society

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