

Bright start to the summer semester

Goethe University Frankfurt’s Westend Campus lecture hall center and the square in front of it were bustling with first-year students today,with sunny weather and pleasant temperatures making for a bright

A tailor-made transition to the world of work

The International Career Service Rhine-Main (ICS RM) is committed to supporting the professional development of students with a migrant background with a view towards promoting their successful entry into the

Playfully exploring German-Danish differences

As part of a tandem collaboration, students from Copenhagen, Frankfurt and Göttingen compiled cultural and linguistic knowledge in a game app. „KulturSchmæck“, or „cultural tasting“, is the name of a

Ticket to Harvard and back

At the tender age of 23, medical student Diana Munteh already has several different strings to her academic bow. She recently returned from a three-month research stay at Harvard Medical

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