
Haya Schulmann

Haya Schulmann, computer scientist

“Simple things are often the most difficult.” This apparent paradox neatly describes the challenges facing computer systems and online applications developers. Haya Schulmann has confirmed it time and again in

Noel B. Berhane vor dem RuW.

How about an internship in France?

Noel B. Berhane, a law student at Goethe University Frankfurt, travels Hesse as a junior ambassador for the Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO). The title “junior ambassador” has an official ring

Prof. Yonson Ahn und ihr Team. (Foto: Jürgen Lecher / Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)

Rare discipline, globally networked

Goethe University’s only professor of Korean Studies receives an extraordinary award Ten years ago, Yonson Ahn took up the professorship for Korean Culture and Society at Goethe University Frankfurt. Since

Bucheinband: Matthias Egeler Elfen und Feen. Eine kleine Geschichte der Anderwelt München: Verlag C.H. Beck 2024, Bucheinband: Matthias Egeler Der Heilige Gral. Geschichte und Legende München: Verlag C.H. Beck 2019

Elves are an invasive species in Germany

A new book by Nordic scholar Matthias Egeler looks at the otherworld. The wicked fairy in fairy tales, the elves in Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings”, Princess Lillifee and her

Christ Englert steht auf einem Basketballplatz

Chris Englert, sports psychologist

Many people have the wrong idea about what his work and research entail: “Sports psychology is right at the intersection of psychology as a basic science and sports as an

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