
Das Team des mRNA-Innovationsprojekts: Das Forscher-Team um Prof. Klaus Strebhardt (rechts) nimmt den zweiten Platz des Goethe-Innovationspreises 2024 für sein bahnbrechendes Projekt gegen Eierstockkrebs entgegen. Die Auszeichnung unterstreicht das enorme Potenzial dieser innovativen Therapie, die nun mit Unterstützung des CARMA FUNDS weiter entwickelt wird. V.l.n.r.: Dr. Monika Raab, Prof. Sven Becker, Dr. Mourad Sanhaji, Prof. Klaus Strebhardt.

CARMA fund invests in mRNA treatment for ovarian cancer

Goethe University Frankfurt has lauched a pioneering collaborative project to develop mRNA for treating ovarian cancer. The promising initiative established by Prof. Klaus Strebhardt, director of the Department of Molecular

Prof. Dr. Hartmut Leppin

“The first thing I asked myself was: Is this fake?”

Having been brought on board by fellow Goethe University scholar and archaeologist Professor Markus Scholz, Ancient History Professor Hartmut Leppin played a vital role in deciphering the “Frankfurt Silver Inscription”.

Prof. Enrico Schleiff auf dem Panel.

Navigating global responsibilities … in crazy times

“Navigating global responsibilities: How research-intensive universities strengthen societies” was the topic of the recent bi-national conference of Germany and Canada’s U15. A conference report by Enrico Schleiff, Katharina Meyer and

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