Category: English

Zooming-in on protein teamwork

The surface of every cell contains receptors that react to external signals similar to a “gate”. In this way, the

EU funds atherosclerosis research

Konstantinos Stellos awarded ERC Starting Grant. Atherosclerosis, the most frequent cause of death in the western world, usually starts with

RNA: a vicious pathway to cancer?

The role of faulty RNA molecules will be analyzed by Goethe University’s Prof. Rolf Marschalek / Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) will

Can courts solve everything?

New Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Group at the Faculty of Law examines EU solidarity conflicts A new Emmy Noether

Hotter than a hundred thousand suns

German Research Foundation approves Collaborative Research Centre on the topic of matter under extreme conditions in cooperation with the universities

How cells combat Salmonella

A team around Ivan Dikic and Mike Heilemann discovers an inflammatory signaling platform which may lead to novel antibiotic therapies

New hope for slow-healing wounds

Light-inducible microRNA inhibitors used for the first time as local therapeutic agents. MicroRNAs are interesting target structures for new therapeutic

Student experiment soon on the ISS?

Proposal by young geoscientists and physicists shortlisted. Their own experiment on the International Space Station (ISS) is the dream of

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