Ivan Krastev

Democracy in Times of Demographic Fears

Bulgarian political scientist Ivan Krastev will give the fourth John McCloy Lecture at Goethe University’s Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften – an Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities. Following the collapse of the socialist states in Eastern Europe and the end of

Ivan Krastev

Democracy in Times of Demographic Fears

Bulgarian political scientist Ivan Krastev will give the fourth John McCloy Lecture at Goethe University’s Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften – an Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities. Following the collapse of

Der neugegründete Fachkräftekonvent soll sich Lösungen für den immer stärker spürbaren Mangel an Arbeitskräften finden.

Hesse Launches Future Convention on Workforce Shortage

To tackle Hesse’s growing labor and skilled worker shortage, the state government has launched the “Future Convention on Skilled and Labor Workforce for Hesse” (Zukunftskonvent Fach- und Arbeitskräfte für Hessen).

“Fixing Futures”: Who Shapes our Futures?

New Exhibition at Goethe University’s Museum Giersch focuses on climate change, global crises, and opportunities for action – Opening on April 5, 2025 How can we influence our future in

Lebt im Schlamm: Die Mikrobe Acetobacterium woodii nutzt zum Atmen CO2 statt Sauerstoff. Copyright: LarysaPol/Shutterstock.com

Without oxygen: How primordial microbes breathed

Scientists at Goethe University discover how the oldest enzyme of cellular respiration works – potential applications in removing CO2 from exhaust gases A team of scientists from Goethe University Frankfurt,

Haya Schulmann

Haya Schulmann, computer scientist

“Simple things are often the most difficult.” This apparent paradox neatly describes the challenges facing computer systems and online applications developers. Haya Schulmann has confirmed

Autorin Anne Cathrine Bomann (l.) und ihre Übersetzerin Franziska Hüther.

The familiar Danes

As part of a tandem project, Danish students of German language and literature came to Frankfurt to visit their German peers studying Danish language and

Blick in die Rauminstallation zu Clemens Setz, 2023.


The University Library’s Schopenhauer Studio: An exhibition space open to the university Did you know the University Library’s large building on Bockenheim Campus houses a

Noel B. Berhane vor dem RuW.

How about an internship in France?

Noel B. Berhane, a law student at Goethe University Frankfurt, travels Hesse as a junior ambassador for the Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO). The title “junior

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