Until 30.11.2023: JQYA – Call for Fellows

The Johanna Quandt Young Academy @Goethe (JQYA) is an independent academy within Goethe University, which supports outstanding scientists at the beginning of their scientific independence and during their professional qualification. Intending to inspire researchers with already established international reputations to join the academy, the JQYA provides a platform for intellectual exchange and critical discussion, as well as freedom for academic research and diverse opportunities to develop and contour a unique scientific profile.

Our academy program and the flexible and tailored support lines facilitate intellectual, interdisciplinary exchange and provide Fellows with the academic freedom to pursue highly successful academic careers. Our Fellows gain access to a dynamic environment that addresses challenges concerning science and society in the context of the academy topic and may inspire creative solutions with far-reaching scientific impact.

We invite applications of advanced R2 and R3 Early Career Researchers from Goethe University, the RMU Alliance, and partner institutions, to explore within the JQYA the academy topic ‘Complexity’.

Through their participation in the academy program, our Fellows benefit from

  • engaging in dynamic interdisciplinary debates,
  • fostering scientific exchange with other postdocs,
  • receiving dedicated support for their academic career, and
  • accessing substantial funding for their research,

all while shaping the inner core of the academy for a period of 3 years.

Applications will be accepted until 30.11.2023 via e-mail to the JQYA office.

The call for Associated Fellows is included in the annual call for Fellows, although applications are accepted throughout the year.


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