Empty buildings and utopia. The struggles for Bockenheim Campus

An exhibition goes on tour.

Discover the history and the uncertain present of Bockenheim Campus, an area that accommodates many different functions and interests, but also empty buildings, caught between a “lost” university culture, including student life, and future uses “still to come.”

The exhibition illuminates the conflicts surrounding Bockenheim Campus and the process of change from the perspectives of numerous players. Texts, pictures and documents show not only how the campus became a place where utopias were realized, but also reveal today’s visions for the future.

The exhibition showcases counterculture, everyday culture and advanced culture, forms of living that embodied solidarity or high prices, neighborhood and federal policies, struggles and space, maintenance and demolition. In short: empty buildings and utopia.

The exhibition runs in the Schopenhauer Studio of Goethe University Frankfurt’s Central Library from June 28 to August 31, 2024.

Exhibition in the Schopenhauer Studio:
Tuesday to Friday 1 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
University Central Library
Freimannplatz 1,
60325 Frankfurt am Main

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