Goethe University has been named the „University Gem“ of the month January 2023 – an award bestowed by the Stifterverband, a joint initiative started by companies and foundations and devoted to consulting, networking and promoting improvements in the fields of education, science and innovation. The accolade recognizes Goethe University’s „systematic promotion in internationalizing teacher training programs.” Broadening one’s horizons and spending time abroad during one’s studies also provides valuable experience for future teachers. In fact, however, there remains a lot of room for improvement when it comes to internationalization – especially in comparison to other degree courses, the Stifterverband says, adding that one reason for this is that very few universities offer the opportunity of completing the mandatory internships as part of a semester abroad.
Goethe University’s Academy for Educational Research and Teacher Education (Akademie für Bildungsforschung und Lehrkräftebildung) is a different case: Its „International Teacher Education“ department headed by Andreas Hänssig bundles all offers related to a stay abroad, arranges internships, provides information on scholarships, offers support in the form of coaching, checklists or tips on the application process, collects experience reports and also offers options for so-called internationalization @home.
The jury of the Stifterverband, which bestows the non-endowed university gem of the month award, was particularly impressed by the systematic approach with which Goethe University promotes internationalization among the Academy’s teaching staff, highlighting the great commitment with which the „International Teacher Education“ department supports mobility during studies. This gives future teachers the opportunity to acquire important intercultural skills, which are needed more than ever today, the jury said.
„University Gems“ are innovative, exemplary projects implemented at a university. Every month, the Stifterverband presents a new university gem, and once a year all the monthly gems are voted on to select the university gem of the year. This year, the Stifterverband is focusing on projects that show what sustainable and attractive teacher training can look like.
www.stifterverband.org/hochschulperle/2023 (in German)
Goethe University’s “International Teacher Education” department (in German)