New Science Award for Romanticism Research

Professor Klaus Heyne

For the first time in 2021, innovative contributions to the study of Romanticism can be awarded the Goethe University’s Klaus Heyne-Award. The new award, endowed with 15,000 euros, is aimed at early-career scholars from Germany and abroad who are in a phase of academic qualification and have made an outstanding contribution to Romanticism research.

The new award has been made possible by a generous bequest from the paediatrician Professor Klaus Heyne (1937-2017), whose had a particular passion for the arts and literature of German Romanticism. Frankfurt literary scholar Professor Frederike Middelhoff says: „We are very grateful that we can support young scholars with this award which is also significantly benefits  Romanticism research at Goethe University.“

The Klaus Heyne-Award, which is meant to be conferred every two years, consists of two components: 5,000 euros will be awarded on a non-earmarked basis; 10,000 euros will be made available for the organisation of a conference on Romantic Studies to be hosted at Goethe University in 2022 and supported by the Frankfurt Chair of Modern German Literature with a Focus on Romantic Studies. The award winner is to be honoured at a ceremony in October 2021 (currently planned as an in-person event but will be organised online if necessary).

You can find further information and the call for applications here.

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