> Yearbook 2021

Facts & Figures


Study & International


students were enrolled in the 2021/22 winter semester (excluding students on leave of absence and preparatory college students), of which 57% female.


students began their studies in 2021 (first semester at university).


students are seeking a Bachelor’s degree.


are studying for a Master’s degree.


are seeking to take a state examination.


are studying to become a teacher.


are doing a doctorate, 53% of them female.


doctoral degrees, 317 by women.


degree programmes are offered. 5 degree programmes were added in the 2021/22 winter semester, including 2 cooperative degree programmes within the strategic alliance of Rhine-Main Universities, increasing the number to 7.


5,750 students are non-German. They come from 138 countries.


students graduated from the university in the 2021 academic year.

Research & Teaching & International


170 female professors and 410 male professors ○ teach and conduct research at Goethe University Frankfurt, including 58 cooperative professorships ● with 20 non-university partners.


18 Professorinnen und 14 Professoren wurden 2021 berufen. Der Anteil neuberufener Professorinnen nimmt seit Jahren zu.

2018 46%
2019 48%
2020 51%
2021 56%
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Researchers at Goethe University Frankfurt are among the 6,600 most highly cited researchers in the world.

»Highly Cited Researchers«, Web of Science


Of the 2,261 research staff – excluding those at University Hospital Frankfurt – 421 are from abroad, 1,041 are female, 1,237 are externally funded.


Die Goethe-Universität arbeitet mit 293 internationalen Partner-Universitäten und Forschungsinstitutionen aus 83 Ländern zusammen.

Funding & Third-Party Funding & Transfer & International

is the total sum of Goethe University Frankfurt’s funding from the German Research Foundation as well as from EU, federal state and other funding programmes.


inventions registered, 10 patents granted.


patent applications were filed, 14 of them international (PCT) ●, 2 national ○, including and 7 first filings.

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company was established as a spin-off from Goethe University Frankfurt: the Frankfurt Conservation Center GmbH aims to bundle technical and research expertise related to nature conservation under one roof.

0 .9 million

Total third-party funding and income from Hesse state-funded projects (incl. LOEWE) [€]

0 .8 million

Total third-party funding

0 .7 million

Public third-party funding income [€]

0 ,6 Mio.

DFG procedures

0 ,5 Mio.

EU procedures

0 .2 million

Federal and state procedures

0 ,5 Mio.

Other public revenue


new projects are being funding by the German Research Foundation. The total figure is now 658.

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Goethe University Frankfurt is participating in 5 of the 6 projects approved in the one-off funding line of the Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and the Arts for the seed funding of cluster projects. All 3 projects submitted under the leadership of Goethe University Frankfurt were awarded funding.


neue große bundesgeförderte Projekte, mit einem Fördervolumen von jeweils über 750.000 € in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften und über 1 Mio. € in den Natur- und Lebenswissenschaften, kommen 2021 hinzu. 26 laufende Großprojekte sind es in der Bundesförderung insgesamt.


Projekte werden im Rahmen der Foschungsrahmenprogramme der Europäischen Union neu gefördert. Damit sind es insgesamt 68.

0 million

Private third-party income [€]

0 million

Industrial funds and legally independent foundations

0 .7 million

Contract research and services

0 .4 million


0 ,1 Mio.

LOEWE- und HMWK-Einnahmen [€]:

0 .9 million


0 ,6 Mio.


0 .2 million


0 .4 million

HMWK-Cluster und Exploration

Analogue & digital

people took part in


Zoom meetings at Goethe University Frankfurt in 2021.


Terabytes comprises the University Computing Centre’s back-up memory.

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The Center for Scientific Computing (CSC) delivered almost 167 million core hours of CPU computing time. Of that, 28 million went to other universities.

0 km

All University Library’s almost 8.5 million physical media items in a row would produce a line of books 282 kilometres long – roughly equivalent to the distance from Frankfurt to Basel. 


exams were conducted online. 778 lectures were recorded electronically, 803 were livestreamed.


Including digital documents, University Library has 10.83 million media items. Its catalogue lists 2.37 million individual digital documents. eBooks were used 2.34 million times.


Der Katalog der Universitätsbibliothek (UB) weist 2,37 Millionen digitale Einzeldokumente aus (22 %). 2,34 Millionen Mal wurden E-Books genutzt.


titles are contained by The Comic Book Archive at the Department for Children’s and Young Adult Literature Research.

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