
Der neugegründete Fachkräftekonvent soll sich Lösungen für den immer stärker spürbaren Mangel an Arbeitskräften finden.

Hesse Launches Future Convention on Workforce Shortage

To tackle Hesse’s growing labor and skilled worker shortage, the state government has launched the “Future Convention on Skilled and Labor Workforce for Hesse” (Zukunftskonvent Fach- und Arbeitskräfte für Hessen).

Autorin Anne Cathrine Bomann (l.) und ihre Übersetzerin Franziska Hüther.

The familiar Danes

As part of a tandem project, Danish students of German language and literature came to Frankfurt to visit their German peers studying Danish language and literature. The intercultural exchange also

How important are the UN SDGs to students in Germany?

Students at universities in Germany have a consistently positive attitude towards the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, but, depending on their subject of study, they rank the individual goals’ importance

Lilian Thuram im Gespräch mit Lena Bopp (FAZ).

Racism and sport

In mid-November, former French world-champion footballer Lilian Thuram presented his book “La pensée blanche” (“White thought”) in the University Library. In the book, the football legend vividly describes how European

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