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Senckenberg Distinguished Lecture Series #07

1. October 2024, 14:00 bis 16:00

Senckenberg Distinguished Lecture Series #07

Was: Vortrag (in Englisch), Ohne Anmeldung!

Wann: Dienstag, den 01.10.2024 um 14 Uhr

Wo: Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, Grüner Hörsaal, Arthur-von-Weinberg-Haus, Robert-Mayer-Straße 2, 60325 Frankfurt (der Vortrag wird aufgezeichnet und anschließend auf veröffentlicht).

Lecture #07
Balancing nature, economy, and society – for a safe and just future

Global biodiversity loss and climate change are part of an intensifying polycrisis that results from a single source – humanity’s excessive conversion of nature, culminating in financial gain. Global science-policy platforms are increasingly clear and consistent, but their key messages do not resonate enough to drive the differentiated responsibilities and actions required of different countries and sectors of global society. Balancing the relationships between nature, economy, and society will be necessary to “bendthe curves” of the multiple crises. One key pathway to success is to focus on maintaining a healthy and sufficientnature at a square-kilometer scale, providing biodiversity and human benefits. This addresses equity among people, drivers of decline, and provides tangible opportunities to restore financial capital to natural capital.

About the lecturer

David Obura chairs the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), is a member of the Earth Commission, and a Director of CORDIO East Africa. After 30 years of research on the vulnerability of coral reefs to climate change and their importance to society, his focus is now on linking local with global challenges to help society pivot towards a safe and just future.

For further information

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