Normative Economic Policy: online event on 11 December

In this online conference we deal with important shifts in the normatively of economic policy during the last decades until today. As a starting point we present a quantitative analysis of the choice of subjects, their presentation and their normative assessment in one of the leading introductory textbooks that has influenced generations of students and shaped the view of “mainstream economics” in business, media, politics and society over decades. The second presentation on normative political economy discusses the relationship between normative principles and institutions in the egalitarian theories of John Rawls and Thomas Piketty and the need for egalitarianism to take into consideration the concerns of cosmopolitanism, sustainability, and resilience.

Finally, the keynote lecture by Sanjay Reddy (New School University, New York) will discuss the important medium- and long-term effects of the Covid-19 pandemic for normative economic policy. 

View the full schedule and get more information here.

The event is organised by the Chair of International Political Theory and the Chair of Economic Policy, Research Centre “Normative Orders”

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