Update from the president on examinations at Goethe University

Issued: 16 March 2020, 17.45 p.m.

Dear students, 

As I announced in my previous communication, I would now like to inform you about how upcoming exams will be handled. In coordination with the other Hessian universities, Goethe University’s Executive Board has decided to suspend all in-person exams, with the exception of state examination, at least until 20th April 2020. In view of the developing situation, a decision on the options for setting new dates will have to be made in due time. We will let you know in good time.

With regard to term papers, final papers and any other written coursework – with the exception of state examination papers – all individual submission deadlines will be extended by 21 days. This deadline does not apply to scientific term papers in the context of the ersten Staatsprüfung (first state examination) or the state examination. If you have any questions, please contact the appropriate examination office. Students pursuing teaching degrees (Lehramtstudierende) may also contact the ABL for advising purposes.

Lending and returning services at the libraries will continue to be provided; however, the reading rooms are not open. An exemption currently applies to the RUW (law and economics) library until Thursday.

The Ministry for Higher Education, Research and the Arts has meanwhile also indicated that students receiving federal student loans (BaföG) should not suffer disadvantages under the funding rules. A provision for the cancellation of the state examinations is being coordinated between the ministries.

Everyone is in agreement that we must do everything to “flatten the curve”. Please continue to help us in this endeavour!

Best regards,
Professor Birgitta Wolff

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