Rhythm as “form in motion” and its significance for poetics
“Poetics of Rhythm”: German Research Foundation (DFG) funds Reinhart Koselleck Project by Professor Achim Geisenhanslüke “Poetics of Rhythm” – that
“Poetics of Rhythm”: German Research Foundation (DFG) funds Reinhart Koselleck Project by Professor Achim Geisenhanslüke “Poetics of Rhythm” – that
Review of the lectures delivered by writer and translator Aris Fioretos. This was a first at the Frankfurt Poetics Lectures:
Speaking with UniReport, writer, translator and publicist Aris Fioretos reflects on his linguistic home, describes his fascination with Paul Auster
“International Literatures and Book Markets” is the subject area of the new practice-oriented Master’s degree program that Goethe University Frankfurt
The British Academy-funded research project „Pandemic Preparedness in the Live Performing Arts: Lessons to learn from Covid-19 across the G7“
How does negation work in language? And how are the relevant linguistic structures connected to perception in the brain? These
Astrid Erll is a renowned expert in the field of Memory Studies The University of Copenhagen has awarded an honorary
The various manifestations of Fasching, Fastnacht, Karneval [Carnival and Shrovetide] and their interdisciplinary scientific consideration stand at the center of
The conference on “New Directions in the History of the Black Power Movement”, organized by Prof. Simon Wendt, is open
The inability to make do either with or without each other is a familiar relationship dynamic that gains special momentum
The Award for Research in German Romanticism – endowed by the pediatrician and Romanticism enthusiast Prof. Dr. Klaus Heyne from
Artist Laura J. Padgett, a lecturer in theater, film and media studies, wants to photographically explore the historical complexity of
In 1772, Johann Wolfgang Goethe began his opus magnum. The material, which would initially go down in literary history as
Words like „ratzfatz“, „ruckzuck“ or „pille-palle“ are known as ideophones. Found primarily in spoken language, their role in the language
On Friday, November 4, 2022, the John McCloy Transatlantic Forum was officially inaugurated before a full auditorium in the lecture
For the first time in 2021, innovative contributions to the study of Romanticism can be awarded the Goethe University’s Klaus
Arundhati Roy is a world-renowned writer and committed humanist who gained international attention with her award-winning novel The God of
With the onset of the current pandemic, our lives have become more digital and more mediatized than ever before. But
January 2018 saw the launch at Goethe University Frankfurt of a further Koselleck project funded by the German Research Foundation.
The first Research Training Group ever with a focus on film studies will be established in the course of the
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