Does the artificial watercourse in the Hessian Ried have a Roman past?
The Landgraben, the body of water between the German cities of Groß-Gerau and Trebur, flows into the Rhine northwest of
The Landgraben, the body of water between the German cities of Groß-Gerau and Trebur, flows into the Rhine northwest of
Die Künstlerin Laura J. Padgett, Dozierende im Fach Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaft, möchte das IG Farben-Haus und den Campus Westend
Artist Laura J. Padgett, a lecturer in theater, film and media studies, wants to photographically explore the historical complexity of
Goethe University has re-evaluated its contractual cooperation with the Confucius Institute Frankfurt, in place since 2008, and has decided not
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