Current Goethe University regulations regarding the Federal Infection Protection Act

The Federal Infection Protection Act, which came into effect on 23.04.2021, also has consequences for the continued operation of Goethe University. Within the framework of these legal regulations, the Executive Board is doing everything in its power to continue to maintain essential – in particular examination-relevant – forms of in-person events. The most important changes are listed below:


  • Goethe University will introduce a general building closure from 8pm starting 28.4.2021 due to the curfew in force for incidences above 100. This means that at this time – apart from activities and services to maintain basic building operations and unavoidable research work (time-critical laboratory and research work in compliance with RKI standards) – people are longer allowed in the buildings.
  • Supervisors must issue appropriate authorisation for employees who need to be out during curfew for official reasons. 
  • The science garden at Riedberg Campus will remain closed.


  • Time-critical laboratory and research work may continue to be carried out even in the case of incidences above 165. It can be continued in compliance with RKI standards.  Supervisors must issue authorisations for employees involved, which is to be shown at the building gate on request.

Teaching / exams

  • From incidences above 100 to the threshold of 165, events are to be carried out in alternating classes with a maximum attendance of 50% of the normal number of students.
  • Seminars, exercises, tutorials and practical courses may be held in attendance in exceptional cases, provided that digital formats are not possible due to the special nature of the course. In this case, compliance with the RKI rules must be observed. The rooms required for this purpose can only be used in terms of their maximum capacity on the basis of a distance and hygiene concept previously approved by the university’s occupational health and safety department.

Regulation for incidences above 165:

  • If the threshold of 165 is exceeded for three consecutive days, alternating classes will be cancelled beginning on the second day following this occurence. In-person courses will generally no longer be possible. All events must take place digitally.
  • The following constitute exceptions on the basis of the Federal Infection Protection Act :
    • Unavoidable courses of the final semester of each degree programme that cannot be carried out in digital formats, such as the preparation of final theses.
    • Practical courses such as laboratory activities, internships, practical and artistic training sections, one-day excursions, practical sports exercises and other courses comparable in a narrower sense, and which are relevant to the examination for a module of a degree programme. The compulsory prerequisite for this is that the coursework cannot be achieved in any other way
    • Tests, examinations and state examinations may continue to be conducted in person.
    • Compliance with RKI standards on the basis of an approved hygiene concept is necessary for carrying out in-person events.

Coronavirus tests

  • University faculties and units have the option of using their allocated basic budget funds to acquire SARS-CoV-2 antigen rapid tests for students. This results from the approval of the State of Hessen to use basic budget funds of the universities for these purposes.
  • By no means do SARS-CoV-2 antigen rapid tests represent an alternative to the current distance, hygiene, ventilation and mask requirements, which must continue to be completely observed.

Application of these regulations

  • These regulations apply from 28.04.2021 until the incidences fall below 100 for at least three consecutive days. Any clarifications or deviations by the State of Hessen will be taken up immediately by the university.  

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