Goethe University Statement of Solidarity

Goethe University condemns the attacks and violence against university members in Iran and declares its solidarity with students and scholars on the ground.

Goethe University is very concerned about the human rights violations in Iran, which also affect scientists, teachers and students. At the beginning of October, global news outlets reported on violent actions against protesting students and researchers at Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, as well as the suspension of university operations.

Goethe University agrees with the assessments of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Rectors‘ Conference (HRK) and condemns the violent actions against peaceful demonstrators, especially the lockdown of universities and the suspension of classes, and is calling for a renunciation of violence. Our solidarity goes out to all people in Iran who are fighting for human rights and academic freedom.

Further information:

The situation in Iran also weighs heavy on the minds of Goethe University students with Iranian roots. If you are in need of a contact person to help you overcome an acute crisis, please feel free to contact our counselling team at the Psychological Student Counselling services.

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