The latest from science and research at Goethe University

Scientific News
Person hält ihren den schmerzenden Fuß fest

Suffering from (nocturnal) muscle cramps?

Seeking participants for new sports science study at Goethe University Frankfurt. Whether after physical exertion, during work or sleep – muscle cramps often occur suddenly and have a significant impact

Body of Knowledge an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt im Schnee

Fritz Bauer Institute turns 30

Delivering valuable contributions to a critical awareness of history and the preservation of democracy Outstanding research and valuable educational work: for 30 years, the Fritz Bauer Institute has been making

Flore illustrée du Burkina Faso et du Mali Hrsg. von Jean César, Cyrille Chatelain, Marco Schmidt, Georg Zizka, Blandine Marie Ivette Nacoulma, Mamadou Lamine Diarra, Adjima Thiombiano, Stefan Dressler, Rodolphe Spichiger. Band 1: Ptéridophytes et Monocotylédones Band 2: Dicotylédone Senckenberg 2024, 1062 Seiten, 807 Fotos, 2800 Illustrationen, 3 Grafiken, 1 Tabelle, 16,4 x 24 cm, gebunden, in Französisch

The Flora of Burkina Faso and Mali

Recently published, the “Flora of Burkina Faso and Mali” is the late result of a collaboration between Goethe University Frankfurt and the Senckenberg Research Institute On November 15, 2024, the

Ilona Klemens vor dem Haus der Stille.

Ambassador of interreligious dialog

Ilona Klemens became the new chaplain of the Protestant Student Congregation (Evangelische Studierendengemeinde, ESG) in spring 2024. Shortly before being interviewed by UniReport, Ilona Klemens met with an old Muslim

News in brief

Download it now: The New Goethe Uni App 2.0

Dear Students, Now you can organize your everyday university life even more easily and conveniently: With the new Goethe University App 2.0, you can, for example, directly access your course

The Powerlessness of the Working Class in the 21st Century

British political scientist Cain Shelley is a fellow at Goethe University’s Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften Institute for Advanced Studies working on „A Class For Itself?: The Future of Class Politics.“ Nowadays, the

Encounters with police violence

The KviAPol research project deals with “Police Use of Excessive Force”. UniReport: Ms. Abdul-Rahman, Professor Singelnstein, the Black Lives Matter movement in the US in particular likely roused people throughout

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