
The latest from science and research at Goethe University

Scientific News

A good university sport

The team from the University Sports Center [Zentrum für Hochschulsport, ZfH] has once again put together an interesting and varied program for this summer semester. In addition to traditional activities

Can the winner of EURO 24 be predicted mathematically?

Matthias Ludwig, professor of mathematics education, wants to arouse schoolchildren’s interest in calculating probabilities. The tool offers a playful way of delving into the fascinating world of statistics –

News in brief

Download it now: The New Goethe Uni App 2.0

Dear Students, Now you can organize your everyday university life even more easily and conveniently: With the new Goethe University App 2.0, you can, for example, directly access your course

The Powerlessness of the Working Class in the 21st Century

British political scientist Cain Shelley is a fellow at Goethe University’s Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften Institute for Advanced Studies working on „A Class For Itself?: The Future of Class Politics.“ Nowadays, the

Encounters with police violence

The KviAPol research project deals with “Police Use of Excessive Force”. UniReport: Ms. Abdul-Rahman, Professor Singelnstein, the Black Lives Matter movement in the US in particular likely roused people throughout

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