Fritz Bauer Institute turns 30

Delivering valuable contributions to a critical awareness of history and the preservation of democracy

Outstanding research and valuable educational work: for 30 years, the Fritz Bauer Institute has been making a unique contribution to conveying a critical awareness of history. Hessian Minister of Science and Research Timon Gremmels: “The Fritz Bauer Institute is committed to the legacy of its namesake Fritz Bauer and has done outstanding work in the study, research, and documentation of National Socialist mass crimes and how society has dealt with these since the end of the Second World War. Against the backdrop of the recent rise in right-wing political movements, the Institute’s work is of particular importance for the preservation of our democracy. It makes me very proud that this institute, which is so important for our critical historical awareness and our democracy, calls Hesse and Frankfurt home, and would like to congratulate Professor Steinbacher and her team on their anniversary and their successful work.”

Hesse’s Minister of Justice Christian Heinz: “The crimes committed during the National Socialist era constitute the starting point for our constitutional deliberations. The foundation for our constitutional state rests on two words: Never again. It is essential that we constantly remind ourselves of this. The Fritz Bauer Institute keeps the memory alive and provides us with important insights for our country’s present and future. I am glad that we have such an institution – valued beyond our state borders – in Hesse. Congratulations on this anniversary.”

About the Fritz Bauer Institute

The Fritz Bauer Institute was founded in 1995 by the State of Hesse, the City of Frankfurt and the Friends Association Fritz Bauer Institute as a foundation under German public law. The Institute’s foundation charter is dated January 15, 1995.

In 2000, the Institute moved to Goethe University Frankfurt’s Westend Campus, where it operates as a legally independent cultural institute, cooperating very closely with the university. The Fritz Bauer Institute conducts research into the history and impact of the Holocaust and antisemitism, develops educational programs and exhibitions and organizes scientific and public events on the history and remembrance of the Holocaust.

In 2022, the German Science and Humanities Council [Wissenschaftsrat] evaluated the Fritz Bauer Institute on behalf of the state of Hesse, and rated its work extremely positively. The Council certified that the Institute combines basic research in contemporary history and university teaching with a wide range of educational and outreach programs for schools and extracurricular activities in a manner that is both unique in Germany and at the same time delivers impressive results.

Source: Hessian Ministry of Science and Research, Arts and Culture

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