Tag: UniReport 2.24

Making forests fit for the future

Jasmin Thal’s Master’s thesis makes an important contribution to aquatic ecology. The environmental scientist produced a guide on how to

On a writer and his body

Aris Fioretos is this year’s Frankfurt poetics lecturer. The solar plexus is a complex network of radiating nerve fibers located

The limits of language and reason

At the invitation of the research focus “Democratic Vistas: Reflections on the Atlantic World”, Slovenian philosopher Alenka Ambrož has joined

Full-time student, part-time carer?

The project “InterCare” intends to explore from an educational-scientific perspective how young people juggle further/higher education with being a carer.

Putting Hitler research on a new footing

German Research Foundation-funded project “Collection of Adolf Hitler’s Speeches, 1933-1945”, headed by Professor Christopher Cornelißen, to publish new edition of

Die Grenzen von Sprache und Vernunft

Die slowenische Philosophin Alenka Ambrož ist auf Einladung des Forschungsschwerpunktes „Democratic Vistas: Reflections on the Atlantic World“ Fellow am Forschungskolleg

No right life in the wrong one?

Educational scientist Yandé Thoen-McGeehan has just published her first novel “Weiße Wolken” (“White Clouds”), in which three protagonists are confronted

The unreconciled theorist

Philipp Felsch’s book Der Philosoph: Habermas und wir, discusses contemporary and intellectual history and its relation to the work of

Es gibt nicht nur die „eine“ Zukunft

Julia Schubert und Steven Gonzalez forschen als Postdocs im interdisziplinären Graduiertenkolleg „Fixing Futures“ und fragen: Was machen Zukunftsvisionen mit dem

Neue Grundlage für die Hitler-Forschung

DFG-Projekt „Edition Hitlerreden 1933–1945“: Team um Prof. Cornelißen übernimmt Neuedition der Hitlerreden ab 1933 Seine schneidende Stimme ist unverkennbar, man

Der unversöhnte Theoriegeist

In „Der Philosoph: Habermas und wir“ von Philipp Felsch verschränken sich Zeit- und Geistesgeschichte in der Figur eines großen Frankfurter

Double barrier to antibiotics

Two scientists at Goethe University Frankfurt are seeking weaknesses in sophisticated bacterial defense systems. Their goal: Find new approaches to

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