Digital yearbook: Goethe in Progress 2023

The recently published Goethe in Progress 2023, our university’s digital yearbook, provides you with an overview of last year’s research highlights, including a focus on projects and the individual achievements of those researching and teaching at Goethe University Frankfurt (the yearbook’s English version will follow shortly). Would you like to learn more about what makes our new Mission Statement on Teaching & Study so special, or how Goethe University members experienced the Future Dialog on Teaching? What about the manner in which the university is handling AI, or which new sustainability projects were launched in 2023? Maybe you are also curious about what Goethe University is planning within the strategic Rhine-Main Universities (RMU) alliance and wondering what role a couch plays in its science communication?

You can read all about this and much more in the 2023 edition of Goethe in Progress, which contains a selection of important events from last year: Fast-forward through the main events in our timeline, or peruse in-depth interviews and other contributions in the categories Research, Teaching & Study, Campus & Life, as well as Integration & Cooperation.

We hope the events at our university will inspire your discussions and that our retrospective will encourage you to look to the future with us.

Enjoy reading, watching, and listening!

Goethe in Progress was first published in 2021 in both print and online versions. Since 2022, it exists solely as a resource-saving digital format. The English version of Goethe in Progress will be published shortly.

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