Kategorie: Events

Writing and disaster

Impressions of the German-Israeli spring school at Goethe University Frankfurt’s Institute of General and Comparative Literary Studies The Institute of

Vicki Baum and America

The conference “Vicki Baum and America”, organized by PD Dr. Julia Bertschik and Prof. Dr. Bernd Zegowitz, was the first

RMU Postdoc Career Weeks 2024

Rhine-Main Universities (RMU) alliance showcases prospects for advanced doctoral students and postdocs. The Rhine-Main Universities are holding their third Postdoc

On a path of differentiation

Wolfgang Meseth talks about the lecture series “Diversity and Discourse / Antisemitism. Culture of Remembrance. Democracy. / How (un-)political is

On a writer and his body

Aris Fioretos is this year’s Frankfurt poetics lecturer. The solar plexus is a complex network of radiating nerve fibers located

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