For how long will the USA remain the Nobel Prize leader?
Since first being awarded in 1901, most Nobel Prizes for science have gone to the USA, the United Kingdom, Germany
Since first being awarded in 1901, most Nobel Prizes for science have gone to the USA, the United Kingdom, Germany
Astrophysicists at Goethe University Frankfurt answer this question by computing images of feeding non-Einsteinian black holes: At present it is
Since their discovery in the 1960s, scientists have sought to answer an important question: How massive can neutron stars actually
With a miniaturised space probe capable of being accelerated to a quarter of the speed of light we could reach
German Research Foundation approves Collaborative Research Centre on the topic of matter under extreme conditions in cooperation with the universities
Proposal by young geoscientists and physicists shortlisted. Their own experiment on the International Space Station (ISS) is the dream of
Event Horizon Telescope: Goethe University is participating via the ERC-project Black Hole Cam. As part of the collaboration „BlackHoleCam“ the
Whether water freezes to ice, iron is demagnetized or a material becomes superconducting – for physicists there is always a
Helium atoms are loners. Only if they are cooled down to an extremely low temperature do they form a very
Invention by Professor Horst Schmidt-Böcking (Goethe University Frankfurt) and his colleague Dr. Gerhard Luther (Saarland University) is the basis for
Professor Maria Roser Valenti has been elected as a fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) in the „Division of
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