Lecture series on the transformation of political violence in the 21st Century

This winter semester’s lecture series by the Excellence Cluster “The Formation of Normative Orders“ is entitled: “The End of Pacification? The Transformation of Political Violence in the 21st Century”. The series takes a closer look the ways war and political violence have changed in the 21st Century. A common narrative arguing that over time the world is steadily becoming more peaceful is being increasingly called into question. In view of transformations in the forms of warlike conflicts – from cyberwar through terrorism to new forms of civil war – has the hypothesis of a pacification trend been fundamentally refuted, or are we only observing contradictions and tensions inherent to this trend’s long-term development?

All lectures will be held at the Westend Campus, Hörsaalzentrum HZ 9, and begin at 6:15pm.

Upcoming lectures:

12 December 2018
Prof. Elisabeth J. Wood, Yale University
Sexual Violence during War

23 January 2019
Prof. Christopher Daase, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Sanktionskriege: Probleme dezentraler militärischer Normdurchsetzung

30 January 2019
Prof. Matthew A. Evangelista, Cornell University
Disturbing the Peace: How the United States Influences Trends in Global Political Violence

6 February 2019
Prof. Stathis N. Kalyvas, University of Oxford
Global Change and Civil Wars

13 February 2019
Prof. Jennifer M. Welsh, McGill University, Montreal
Pockets of Barbarism: Internal and External Challenges to the International Humanitarian Order

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