Schlagwort: Biological Sciences

Flore illustrée du Burkina Faso et du Mali Hrsg. von Jean César, Cyrille Chatelain, Marco Schmidt, Georg Zizka, Blandine Marie Ivette Nacoulma, Mamadou Lamine Diarra, Adjima Thiombiano, Stefan Dressler, Rodolphe Spichiger. Band 1: Ptéridophytes et Monocotylédones Band 2: Dicotylédone Senckenberg 2024, 1062 Seiten, 807 Fotos, 2800 Illustrationen, 3 Grafiken, 1 Tabelle, 16,4 x 24 cm, gebunden, in Französisch

The Flora of Burkina Faso and Mali

Recently published, the “Flora of Burkina Faso and Mali” is the late result of a collaboration between Goethe University Frankfurt

Symbiosis in ancient Corals

Analysis of nitrogen isotope reveals the earliest known evidence of photosymbiosis in corals A research team led by researchers from

Central Hessian Ecotoxicology Day

Students obtain information on practical experimentation and degree courses at other universities. At the initiative of the ecotoxicology unit of

Flies and cadavers

Conference on forensic entomology: a report by Jens Amendt “Insects & Wine”was the motto of an international conference held in

Expertise for SCALE

Volker Zickermann and Eric Helfrich are part of the excellence cluster initiative SCALE (Subcellular Architecture of Life). Whereas the former

Making forests fit for the future

Jasmin Thal’s Master’s thesis makes an important contribution to aquatic ecology. The environmental scientist produced a guide on how to

Snapshots from inside the cell: SCALE

Biophysicist Achilleas Frangakis uses cryo-electron tomography to study the inner life of dangerous bacteria. Acinetobacter baumannii is the name of

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