Update on limitation of the coronavirus risk

27 March 2020 4:00 p.m. :

The English version of Goethe University’s website on the limitation of the coronavirus has been updated. “Advisory services”, “Information and advising for students in financial straits,” and “Start of the lecture period,” have been updated or supplemented:

Advisory services

Until further notice, these will take place online or by telephone only.

NEWLY ADDED: Support in dealing with psychological stress during the corona crisis

The current limitations on public life are also a significant challenge to mental health and can lead to stress, anxiety and worries. A number of telephone and digital support services can help in this situation. You can find an overview on the pages of the psychotherapeutic counselling office for students ((PBS) (German)

Information and advising for students in financial straits

The current situation not only poses health risks, but significant financial risks as well. Before students consider disenrolling as a last resort, the option of finding temporary financial support should be considered. The Studentenwerk Frankfurt am Main provides information here.

The Studentenwerk also advises on BaföG questions per email at  https://www.studentenwerkfrankfurt.de/studentenwerk/kontakt/

NEWLY ADDED: Career Service offers support in finding alternative employment opportunities and provides information” 

Start of the lecture period

UPDATED: Regardless of the organiser, no events with personal attendance will take place at Goethe University through 20 April 2020. The start of the summer semester has been postponed until at least 20 April. The planned end of the summer semester (end of the lecture period on 17 July; end of semester on 30 September) remains unaffected at this time. 

This also applies to orientation events during this period and the Unistart first-semester events on 8 April 2020. As far as technically possible, summer semester orientation events and courses will be offered in digital form. 

New information on courses will be announced soon in QiS/LSF. The faculties will inform you per email as soon as there is concrete information on individual degree programmes. The university only uses the stud@uni-frankfurt.de email addresses for these communications. Please make sure to check this account regularly. Please do not use the forwarding function to private email accounts, since it cannot otherwise be guaranteed that you receive all information. You received the email addresses automatically with your HRZ account. You can find information on your mail account here.

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