Starting scholarships for international doctoral candidates – summer semester 2025

The Goethe Research Academy for Early Career Researchers (GRADE) awards 15 starting scholarships for international candidates who are preparing or starting a doctorate at Goethe University. The scholarships are funded by the Franz Adickes Stiftungsfonds. International candidates face special challenges at the start of their doctorate in Frankfurt:  costs for mobility and furnishings, effort for residence permits and other administrative issues as well as language requirements for scholarship applications, to name just a few. The scholarships are intended to facilitate the start of their doctorate in spite of these challenges by providing funding for the preparation and start of their research. The scholarships amount to 1550 € per month for a period of three months. The eligibility criteria are:

  • non-German citizenship
  • university-qualifying degree (e.g. school-leaving certificate) obtained outside Germany
  • degree qualifying for doctorate (e.g. Master) completed or near completed
  • commitment from a supervisor at Goethe University to supervise your project
  • candidates must have either submitted an application for doctoral funding or received a funding commitment from their supervisor.

Grantees of a starting scholarship cannot have substantial employment or another scholarship during the period of the starting scholarship.

You can find all further information as well as the registration form at .Deadline for applications: May 11, 2025!

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