
Postdoc Peer Groups 2025: Apply until 15 January!

As a postdoc, you face new challenges and more responsibilities, but a new career stage also offers various options for development. Working in academia, everyday routines and a high workload

Science between freedom and responsibility

Goethe University adopts paper on the tension between academic freedom, freedom of expression and social responsibility On the occasion of its 110th anniversary, Goethe University Frankfurt released a paper outlining

Bad Homburg Conference: How does AI tick?

The eighth Bad Homburg Conference focused on how AI is shaping our future. At the latest since ChatGPT appeared on the scene, it seems, the topic of Artificial Intelligence has

Sol Lago’s romance with languages

Sol Lago’s interest in learning languages never awoke: “It was always there. For me, learning languages has always been like eating or walking, and I can’t remember a time when

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