Financial Support for Early Career Researchers with Children

Funded by the Franz Adickes Stiftungsfonds, the Goethe Research Academy for Early Career Researchers (GRADE) financially supports 30 PhD candidates, postdocs and scientists in the R3 qualification phase with children performing their research at Goethe University.

Working on your research project is challenging and entails a high workload. Raising and taking care of your kids at the same time produces an additional financial burden and puts severe constraints on your time management. GRADE wants to support early career researchers in this special situation.

For candidates with small-scale employment, this support may take the form of a scholarship (Small-scale employment is possible if the content and purpose of the employment are clearly different from the research project. For details, see FAQ.). For persons with substantial employment, we can finance the hiring of research assistants, who can cover routine tasks in research and teaching, thereby creating relief for early career researchers. The total sum of support amounts to 2400 EUR.

We can only consider applications from individuals with children in need of care who live in their household and / or whom they are currently caring for at least part of the time. Furthermore, either the admission as doctoral candidate or a confirmation of employment at Goethe University is required.

You can apply until May 31, 2024 by submitting the following documents:

  • Completed application form
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Copy of birth certificate for your children or an equivalent confirmation
  • Faculty letter of admission as doctoral candidate (PhD candidates) or confirmation of employment at Goethe University (e.g., work contract) or scholarship with clear connection to GU (confirmation of scholarship or confirmation by supervising person)

You can find all further information as well as the registration form at

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