As a result of the spreading of the coronavirus, in the last days our fellow Chinese citizens are evidently increasingly the target of insulting behaviour here in Germany too. The Executive Board of Goethe University condemns most strongly discrimination and prejudices related to a person’s origin and nationality. Our Chinese colleagues and students at Goethe University can be sure of the full support of university management. Defamation of this kind is not only racist and xenophobic but also largely lacks a factual basis. Experts at the Robert Koch Institute continue to assess the risk for the population in Germany and Europe as low. This assessment is also shared by health authorities in neighbouring countries, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Damit Ältere in der gewohnten Umgebung bleiben, muss das Ehrenamt gestärkt werden
Institut für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Kultur (IWAK) der Goethe-Universität präsentiert Ergebnisse des Projekts „NAH sein – Nachbarschaftshilfe im Alltag und