
Teilnehmende an der Konferenz "Diversität im Schreibzentrumskontext" sitzen links in einer Reihe an Tischen

“We consult with people, not on texts”

Conference on “Diversity in the Writing Center Context” at Goethe University Frankfurt addresses neurodivergence, multilingualism and creative writing. University writing centers deploy peer tutors, i.e. students trained in helping others

Bucheinband: Matthias Egeler Elfen und Feen. Eine kleine Geschichte der Anderwelt München: Verlag C.H. Beck 2024, Bucheinband: Matthias Egeler Der Heilige Gral. Geschichte und Legende München: Verlag C.H. Beck 2019

Elves are an invasive species in Germany

A new book by Nordic scholar Matthias Egeler looks at the otherworld. The wicked fairy in fairy tales, the elves in Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings”, Princess Lillifee and her

“Similar goals, different perspectives”

Final meeting of the 2024 GRADE Postdoc Peer Group 2024 The postdoc phase poses many challenges for young researchers, whose everyday work often leaves very little time to tackle problems

Aria Baghestani mit Vizepräsidentin Prof. Viera Pirker (r.) und Dr. Rebekka Göhring

Artist, writer, dramaturg and academic

DAAD prize for outstanding achievements of international students studying at German universities goes to Aria Baghestani Aria Baghestani, a student from Tehran (Iran) studying for a master’s degree in dramaturgy,

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Spiros Simitis

The life and legacy of a polymath

Julia Esser presents a commemorative volume honoring Spiros Simitis. A recently published new volume in the series “Frankfurter Studien zum Datenschutz” [Frankfurt Studies on Data Protection] commemorates exceptional Frankfurt law

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