
Angela Davis Guest Professorship 2024: Grada Kilomba, The Art of Performing Knowledge

The Cornelia Goethe Center for Gender Studies (CGC) has invited internationally renowned artist, curator and theorist Grada Kilomba to Goethe University Frankfurt as Angela Davis Guest Professor from July 2–12, 2024. Grada Kilomba is a Berlin-based Portuguese artist whose work deals with memory and recollection, trauma, as well as the reverberations of colonial rule and transatlantic enslavement.

Kilomba uses performances, staged readings, video, photography and large-scale sculptural and acoustic installations to question concepts of knowledge, violence and repetition. Her work is best known for her subversive practice of storytelling, in which she creates a poetic and immersive visual language and gives body, voice, form and movement to her own texts. “What stories are told? How are they told? Where are they told? And who is the one telling them?” – All of these are recurring questions in Kilomba’s work.

Kilomba will explore the “art of performing knowledge” as part of her guest professorship, which begins with a public lecture and performance on July 2, 2024 at 6 p.m. In addition to a three-day seminar, she will also meet with early career researchers and offer insights into her artistic practice as part of an artist talk held on July 11, 2024 at 3 p.m. In wrapping up her guest professorship, Kilomba will give another public lecture and performance on July 11, 2024 at 6 p.m.

The Cornelia Goethe Center for Gender Studies, in cooperation with its funders, the GRADE Center Gender and Goethe University Frankfurt’s Equal Opportunities Office, hereby cordially invite you to join one or all of the events of this year’s Angela Davis Guest Professorship, all of which will be in English. Admission is free.

The Angela Davis Guest Professorship for International Gender and Diversity Studies serves to promote international and interdisciplinary cooperation in the field of gender and diversity. Angela Davis in 2013 became the first holder of the guest professorship at the Cornelia Goethe Center. Following its successful launch, the guest professorship is filled at regular intervals by an internationally renowned women’s and gender researcher.

Overview of the individual public dates

July 2, 2024
18:00 – 20:00 (followed by a reception)
HZ5, Lecture Hall Center, Westend Campus
Performing Knowledge: Heroines, Birds and Monsters.
Public inaugural lecture and performance

July 11, 2024
15:00 – 16:00
Cas 823, Casino, Westend Campus
Artist Talk

July 11, 2024
18:00 – 20:00 (followed by a reception)
Cas 823, Casino, Westend Campus
Performing Knowledge: Opera to a Black Venus.
Public final lecture and performance

More information on the Angela Davis Guest Professorship is available here

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