November 27th: Sixth RMU Day on the campus of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

On November 27, 2024, Goethe University Frankfurt, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and the Technical University of Darmstadt will welcome participants to the meanwhile sixth “Day of the Rhine-Main Universities (RMU)”. The event has been held alternately at one of the three universities since 2019 and focuses content-wise on their main interests: In the past years, topics have included, for example, shaping the science region in an innovative way, early career researchers and mid-level faculty, research and teaching, and the potential offered by the “cross-border” alliance (the universities are located in the two federal states of Hesse and the Rhineland-Palatinate).

The RMU Alliance was launched at the end of 2015 with the aim of expanding and intensifying collaboration between the three universities in their most important performance dimensions, notably in research, studies and teaching, knowledge transfer and science communication. Since last year, a joint office and a new governance structure with its own advisory bodies have also contributed to achieving this goal.

This year, the day will focus on the outlook for the RMU and its future development: The theme is “Excited about the future”. All members of the three universities are therefore invited to play a part in actively co-shaping the alliance’s future. This time, the event is also taking place against the backdrop of the universities’ participation in the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state governments: The Rhine-Main Universities are planning a joint proposal as a consortium in the “Universities of Excellence” funding line.

“For a proposal to have any chance of success in this highly competitive contest, it needs a shared creative will and above all lots of good ideas,” says Professor Enrico Schleiff, President of Goethe University Frankfurt.

The universities will therefore present their ideas for the proposal at RMU Day and invite all participants to reflect on and help shape them.

Dr. Florence Randrianarisoa, presenter of the TV show “Quarks”, will emcee the discussion. In the evening, a science contest, in which interdisciplinary teams of RMU researchers will compete against each other, will round off the program.

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