Aventis Foundation Postdoctoral Award / Apply by 31 May

The Aventis Foundation is offering an award for talented post-doctoral candidates this year to support innovative approaches in the life sciences. Postdoctoral candidates in the field of life sciences who are employed by Goethe University can apply through 31st May 2019.

Up to three award winners will be selected. The award comes with € 100,000 in prize money, ten percent of which can be used for personal expenses. The award ceremony will take place on 12th September 2019.

Applications must be submitted online at https://bridge.aventis-foundation.org/apply.

Further information: www.uni-frankfurt.de/bridge-award.

If you have questions about applying, please contact Katharina Behmer-Prinz from the department Forschung und Nachwuchs: Tel: (069) 798-12130; E-Mail: behmer-prinz@em.uni-frankfurt.de

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