ICIR Digital Policy Forums in June and July 2020

Insurance 2030: Towards Sustainability
Is Regulation Pushing the Change or Is Insurance Taking the Lead?

The International Center for Insurance Regulation (ICIR) of the Goethe University organises four digital policy forums in order to discuss the future of insurance and insurance regulation in the context of sustainability and its implications for the insurance industry, for policyholders and for society as a whole. Topics addressed:

  • 18 June 2020: Insurance Regulation: Towards a Sustainable Solvency II Review? – Managing the Speed of Change
  • 19 June 2020: Profitable Sustainable Investments for the Insurance Industry – Green, Blue – Evolving New Opportunities and Risks
  • 02 July 2020: Low Forever: Sustainable Pension Plans for the Next Generation? – Impact of Low Interest Rates on Pension Systems and Personal Finance

More information: http://www.icir.de/events/icir-digital-policy-forums/

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