As of October 1: 3G rules at Goethe University

In the winter 2021/2022 semester, Goethe University will return to in-person attendance. After three semesters in which teaching was primarily virtual, the majority of courses will once again be held on site at the campus locations. As we continue to work under pandemic conditions, the 3G rules will apply to Goethe University. This means that as of October 1, 2021, access for students and external visitors to Goethe University will only be possible if they have been vaccinated, tested or have recovered. Goethe University employees can access campus buildings using their Goethe Card.

As of October 18, access to the university buildings is only possible for Goethe University employees and students (negative proof), as well as for persons who have an appropriate Goethe University access authorization. There will be access controls to the buildings (legitimation by Goethe-Card or access authorization) as well as spot checks of the negative proof. This is a prerequisite for smooth teaching operations on site.

The only exception is the central library at the Bockenheimer Warte, where external users will still have access after checking their 3G status.

FAQs for students
How can I tell if a course is conducted in digital form, hybrid form or on site? Is there an obligation to wear medical masks? Are the canteens open? Where can I find assistance in organizing my studies? Go to FAQs (in German)

FAQs for teaching
Do I have to offer my seminar as an on-site course? How do I deal with students who belong to a risk group? Is there a general obligation to attend courses? Where can I turn in case of questions and uncertainties about rights and obligations? Go to FAQs (in German)

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