Current information on incidence development in Frankfurt and at Goethe University

The incidence numbers in Frankfurt dropped below the decisive threshold of 100 on 18 May and remained below this threshold for at least five consecutive work days. According to the Federal Infection Ordinance, on the seventh day at the earliest – for Goethe University effective beginning 27th May – the further lifting of restrictions on university operations come into effect. The most important change: the validity of the Federal Infection Protection Act (“Federal emergency brake”) is suspended. From now on, only the regulations of the Coronavirus Contact and Operating Restrictions Ordinance of the State of Hessen (CoKoBeV), Level 1, apply. Therefore, the night curfew, which became effective with an incidence value above 100, will also cease to apply.

The previously applicable building closing times can therefore be lifted. Beginning on 27th May, Goethe University facilities – such as the university library – may again be used during the previously valid opening hours.

Falling below the 100 incidence initially has no impact on the organisation of teaching operations. These will only be affected when level 2 is reached (cf. further explanatory notes). Please note: the distance and hygiene regulations continue to apply without restriction and must be strictly observed at the Goethe University locations!

Explanatory notes regarding ongoing sinking incidence

If after the restrictions according to § 28b para. 1 IFSG have been suspended, the 7-day incidence in a district or independent town falls below the threshold of 100 on 14 further consecutive days, or of the threshold value of 50 on five further consecutive days, the regulations for Level 2 of the CoKoBeV come into effect on the following day (§ 6b).

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