Islam in Digital Spaces

Digitalization continues to encompass more and more areas of life, including many facets and dimensions of religion. The online lecture series “Islam in Digital Spaces” will explore the concrete impact of digitalization in Islamic contexts, bringing together perspectives from international research and practice. The first lecture of the series, organized by the Center for Islamic Studies Frankfurt/Giessen [Zentrum für islamische Studien Frankfurt/Gießen, Zefis], which is affiliated with Goethe University Frankfurt and Justus-Liebig University Giessen, will take place on Thursday, October 19, 6 c.t. to 8 p.m. via Zoom (link below)

Among other things, the lecture series will address the following questions: How does digitality affect religious authority and the reception of texts? In what way does it influence the form and content of discourse and religious positioning? What effects can be identified for the Islamic learning and teaching process?

The lecture series will take place on Thursdays in German or English (see dates below). The event is organized by Professor Armina Omerika (Goethe University Frankfurt) and Professor Naime Çakır-Mattner (Justus Liebig University Giessen) within the framework of the Zefis Center for Islamic Studies Frankfurt/Giessen. The opening session will be held by Dr. Anna Piela (Northwestern University, USA), who will share her insights into various phenomena associated with digitality and Islam. Interested parties are welcome to join the online lecture via Zoom.

Dates of the English-language lectures:

Insights into Islam in Digital Spaces
Dr. Anna Piela (Northwestern University, USA)

Breaking the Good Muslim/Bad Muslim Binary: The Intersectional Feminist Activism of Muslims in North America
Prof. Dr. Kristin Peterson (Boston, USA)

Note: Lecture begins at 7 p.m.

Muslim Women’s Gendered Identities in the Digital Age
Prof. Dr. Sahar Khamis (University of Maryland, USA)

Shifting Dimensions: the Evolution of Religious Authority in Islamic Digital Spaces
Prof. Dr. Gary R. Bunt (University of Wales Trinity Saint David, UK)

Islamophobia online – structures of devaluation
Dr. Kyriaki Topidi (European Centre for Minority Issues, Flensburg, Germany)

Dates of the German-language lectures:

Becoming a Digital Activist – Strategien der Digitalen Zivilcourage [Becoming a Digital Activist – Strategies of digital civil courage]
Juliane Chakrabarti (Ichbinhier e.v.)

Aktivitäten und Erfahrungen junger Muslim:innen in digitalen Kontexten – empirische Erkenntnisse [Activities and Experiences of Young Muslim Women in Digital Contexts – Empirical Findings]
Dr. Said Topalovic (Friedrich-Alexander Universität, Erlangen)

Strukturen religiöser online Kommunikation – Moscheen im Netz [Structures of religious online communication – mosques on the net]
Samira Tabti (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)

Die Konstruktion von Identitäten in DĀʿESHs Bildwelten [The Construction of Identities in DĀʿESH’s Imagery]
Dr. Christoph Günther (Universität Erfurt)

Macht des Buches – Koranübersetzungen Medien und Digitalität [Power of the Book – Quran Translations Media and Digitality]
Prof. Dr. Johanna Pink (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)

Digitales Lehren und Lernen im Islamischen Religionsunterricht [Digital Teaching and Learning in Islamic Religious Education]
Aida Tuhcic (Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg, Österreich)

The lectures will be held on Thursdays from 6 to 8 p.m. c.t., aside from the October 26 event, which will only begin at 7 p.m.

Zoom Link

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