Nicole Deitelhoff awarded LOEWE top professorship at Goethe University Frankfurt and the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF)

Professor Nicole Deitelhoff will take up a LOEWE top professorship on 1 June. (Photo: Dettmar)

Political scientist Professor Nicole Deitelhoff has been awarded a LOEWE top professorship, which will be based at Goethe University Frankfurt and the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF), part of the Leibniz Association. The top professorship is endowed with 1.8 million, which Deitelhoff plans to use to establish a research group at the university and PRIF. Deitelhoff is an internationally acknowledged expert in peace and conflict research, head of several research alliances and director of a Leibniz institute.

LOEWE top professorships are an instrument that enables the State of Hesse to acknowledge excellent, internationally recognized researchers. The professorships are endowed with between €1.5 and €3 million for five years. “Nicole Deitelhoff is an outstanding and internationally distinguished researcher. She more than deserves this acknowledgment. We are very proud to have her at our university and thank the State of Hesse for giving her a long-term perspective in Frankfurt through this top professorship,” says Professor Enrico Schleiff, President of Goethe University Frankfurt. “As a peace and conflict researcher, Nicole Deitelhoff is making an important contribution to the study of international politics. Her specialist knowledge is more in demand today than ever before, and as a researcher she is helping to shape public opinion in democracy through her involvement in numerous public debates and the media,” he adds. 

“I am very pleased to be able to continue my work at Goethe University Frankfurt and PRIF. The LOEWE top professorship will enable me to establish a research group at the university and PRIF that will examine under which conditions conflicts become conflicts of (world) order – a question that is also and particularly significant in the context of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine,” says Professor Deitelhoff.

Nicole Deitelhoff has been Professor of International Relations and Theories of Global Order at Goethe University Frankfurt since 2009. Together with Professor Rainer Forst, she launched the ConTrust cluster initiative funded by the State of Hesse and the university; from this has emerged the research alliance with the same name, with which Goethe University Frankfurt is applying within the Excellence Strategy. Professor Deitelhoff is the alliance’s spokesperson, together with Professor Vinzenz Hediger. Together with Forst, she is head of the “Normative Orders” research center at Goethe University Frankfurt. Since 2016, Deitelhoff has been director of the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF). She is also co-spokesperson of the Research Institute Social Cohesion (RISC) funded by Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research and spokesperson for the Leibniz Research Network “Environmental Crisis – Crisis Environments (CrisEn)”.

Nicole Deitelhoff studied political science, law and economics in Darmstadt and Buffalo, USA, earning her doctoral degree at the Technical University of Darmstadt in 2004. She received the Schader Award in 2017 and the coveted Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize of the German Research Foundation in 2008. Her main research interests are conflicts surrounding norms and institutions, theories of domination and resistance, and conflict theories of democracy and cohesion. In formats such as “StreitClub”, which she co-hosts with Michel Friedman, she contributes her scientific expertise to the public debate.

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