€ 270 million for further expansion of Goethe University

“A total of € 330 million from the third round of the university investment programme HEUREKA will go to universities in Frankfurt. This provides them with planning security, a long-term development perspective through 2031, and allows them to make important future investments in good conditions for teaching and research,” comments Frankfurt Landtag delegate Mirjam Schmidt on the occasion of Green Party Science Minister Angela Dorn’s announcement of the continuation and increase of an additional € 1.7 billion through 2031 to the funds for the university investment programme HEUREKA.

In the last round of construction investments, Goethe University and the development of the new campus in Westend was already a priority of the state government. Now another € 170 million in funds from the HEUREKA increase are available, and are to be invested above all in the necessary continuation of the new chemistry building in Riedberg, and a new dental medicine building  on the Niederrad campus. In addition, € 105 million from the sale of the old police headquarters are available for the building of the new main library.

Source: Press release from the office of Frankfurt Landtag delegate Mirjam Schmidt, 25 November 2020

Further information (German): https://wissenschaft.hessen.de/presse/pressemitteilung/17-milliarden-euro-fuer-sanierung-und-neubau-an-hessens-hochschulen

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