Societas Scientiarum Francofurtensis 2024 Scholarship

Calling on all interested R2 and R3 researchers / Application deadline: March 1, 2024

Interested scholars can now apply for the 2024 scholarship of the Scientific Society of Goethe University Frankfurt (Societas Scientiarum Francofurtensis; Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main).

The €5,000 scholarship is open to all scientific fields and directed at researchers who completed their doctorate up to seven years prior to the application, work at a scientific institution in Frankfurt and have not yet been appointed to a permanent professorship. A thematic orientation that promotes dialog between the scientific disciplines is desirable. In addition, their independent work should qualify applicants in a special way for further research activities.

The scholarship winner will be announced at Societas Scientiarum Francofurtensis’ festive meeting, held in summer semester 2024. The recipient will also be invited to give a lecture at the Scientific Society. The deadline for applications is March 1, 2024. Further information on the required documents and the application process is available (in German) here.

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